CEMMATS Group Limited

 Marampa Mines Ltd – ESIA Report 

Marampa Mines Ltd – ESIA Report 

Marampa Mines Ltd., a new company in Sierra Leone wishes to apply to the National Minerals Agency for a Mining Licence for its planned iron ore mining operations in Port Loko District. The mining lease covers the original mining lease held by SL Mining and an area known as Marampa North which covers the lease originally held by Cape Lambert Ltd. and some additional land areas.

The Mines and Minerals Act, 2009 requires Marampa Mines Ltd. to obtain an EIA licence before NMA can consider its Mining Licence application. An ESIA study was previously carried out by Tricore Engineering Corporation (in 2017) for the original company SL Mining, and an EIA licence obtained, which expired when the mine operation was shut down.

Cape Lambert Ltd. also had an ESIA conducted by SRK Consulting (UK) Limited in 2013. Both reports remain largely relevant to the project; as such the ESIA for Marampa Mines Ltd will mainly be a combination of the two original reports, with relevant sections updated to reflect environmental, social and technical components of the project which have changed since the times of the original studies.

The original ESIAs have been previously disclosed, and are being published on this platform to provide the public with fundamental information about the planned operations of Marampa Mines Ltd. The revised ESIA report will be uploaded once completed, and will be disclosed to stakeholders within the next few weeks. Details of the Public Consultation and Disclosure Workshops will be made available once confirmed.

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